360° Shop Floor Management: All functions for your company’s success

With numerous, flexibly applicable functions, Visual Shop Floor offers the ideal basis for taking Shop Floor Management in your company to a new level. Whether visualization of key figures in real time, structured task management or sustainable process optimization: Visual Shop Floor offers the right function and adapts to the individual needs of your company.


Map the entire Shop Floor Management in a fully comprehensive software platform.


Use Visual Shop Floor to support your employees in various functions and roles.


Flexibly adapt the functions of Visual Shop Floor to the specific requirements and needs of your company.

All functions at a glance

As a fully integrated software platform, Visual Shop Floor offers all the functions you need to digitize Shop Floor Management in your company. Thanks to the flexible combination of functions and the easy adaptability to your requirements and needs, Visual Shop Floor provides the ideal basis for systematically increasing efficiency in your production and logistics processes. Whether data management, visualization of key figures, Shop Floor Meetings or PDCA cycle: Visual Shop Floor supports you in taking the next step in systematic process optimization.

Data Connectors

Use all relevant data in one place

With numerous data connectors, Visual Shop Floor offers the possibility to easily import data from existing systems such as ERP, MES, WMS or even Excel sheets and use them as the basis for Shop Floor Management. In doing so, parameters for the data import such as frequency, filters and transfer values can be defined easily and flexibly, making it performant and efficient. And last but not least: All data can be easily exported and transferred to third-party systems if required.

Manual Data Collection

Easily record feedback from non-automated or manual work processes

In addition to the visualization of key figures, Visual Shop Floor also offers the options of recording messages and inputs from your employees via PDA terminals or mobile devices. Besides a user interface that is easy and intuitive to use and can be flexibly adapted, supporting input devices such as barcode scanners or card readers can also be used if required.

Data Management

Transform your data into relevant information

By linking data from different sources and by technically preparing the data in the form of formatting, conversion and aggregation, useful and relevant information is generated for Shop Floor Management. This creates the basis for various functions, such as the visualization of key figures on dashboards or process monitoring through alerting. The possibility of historical data recording over freely definable periods of time creates the fundament for systematic process analysis.

Manual Data Collection

Easily record feedback from non-automated or manual work processes

In addition to the visualization of key figures, Visual Shop Floor also offers the options of recording messages and inputs from your employees via PDA terminals or mobile devices. Besides a user interface that is easy and intuitive to use and can be flexibly adapted, supporting input devices such as barcode scanners or card readers can also be used if required.

Role-specific Dashboards

Visualize relevant information simply and intuitively – in real time

Support your employees in their respective roles and functions with the relevant information for them. Specific, interactive dashboards monitor processes in real time and highlight optimization potential. The right measures are initiated more quickly on a reliable basis for decision-making in the form of a single point of truth.

Digital Hall Mirror

Process monitoring in real time – always keep the overview

Thanks to the true to scale mapping of your production or logistics resources in the form of a digital hall mirror, you always maintain an overall view. Whether production machines, storage bays, loading ramps, mobile forklifts or packaging workstations: all resources and processes are mapped intuitively and in an easy-to-understand manner, enabling your employees to react to malfunctions and deviations in real time.

Data Explorer

Interactive and flexible access to your data

The Data Explorer in Visual Shop Floor allows you to work directly with the database and use an extensive filter function to retrieve the information that is relevant to you. A favorites function lets you save the queries that are most important to you so that you can access them quickly and conveniently. Whether overdue production orders, upcoming maintenance tasks or machine downtimes: with just a few clicks, you are well informed and can concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Info Board

Inform your employees in the operational area

With Info Boards, Visual Shop Floor helps you provide your employees with relevant information in real time, enabling them to make the right decisions faster. Whether it's a passive Andon Board, an interactive Meeting Board with task management or a Bulletin Board: design the content to suit the way you work and manage the displays flexibly and efficiently.


Don't miss a thing with automated notifications in real time

Based on a rule-action mechanism, Visual Shop Floor supports you in reacting proactively to events. Whether notification via email, notification via pop-up or automatically created tasks: play it safe and get reliably notified about relevant events.

Event Handling

Respond to events as they occur in a structured and systematic way

Whether it's a security incident, a customer complaint or a missed deadline: event handling in Visual Shop Floor provides you with a reliable basis for documenting relevant events in a structured manner and taking the right measures based on them. Thanks to simple and intuitive visualization, for example in the form of an SQCDP board or a shift log, your employees are always well informed and maintain an overview.

Task management

Implement your actions efficiently and maintain an overview

Describe your actions in a structured way with responsibility, priority and due date and monitor the implementation progress. With an easy and intuitive Kanban board you keep the overall view in the team. Escalate measures to the responsible department as needed and map the Shop Floor Cascade, taking into account your specific organizational structure. In addition to the manual entry of actions, Visual Shop Floor supports you with event-driven, automatically generated actions, proactively helping you to focus on the right issues and not miss anything.

Shop Floor Meetings

Take meetings to a new level

Visual Shop Floor provides the optimal framework to conduct regular communication or your Shop Floor Meetings in a structured and efficient way. Use meeting templates to define a specific meeting agenda and link meeting items to automatically updated dashboards. Don't waste precious time in meeting coordination and preparation and focus on the essentials: discussing relevant events such as deviations and disruptions, open actions from previous meetings or actions linked on multiple levels of the Shop Floor Cascade. Whether shift handover, start of the day or management meetings: a targeted and efficient execution and follow-up is guaranteed.

Layered Process Audits (LPA)

Improve the quality and efficiency of your processes and reduce the risk of errors or quality problems

Visual Shop Floor supports you in conducting regular walk-throughs in your operational areas and helps you detect potential defects at an early stage. Whether safety, quality or process audit: Deviations and deficiencies are detected early and can be eliminated before consequential damages occur.

Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)

Drive continuous improvement

The systematic, software-supported implementation of PDCA processes supports you in analyzing causes and defining corrective actions. Findings are validated by means of a structured effectiveness check and, if suitable, raised to the level of a standard. Coordination efforts are minimized and an efficient and target-oriented implementation is guaranteed. Step by step in the sense of continuous improvement.

Enterprise Features

A solid foundation as the basis for your success

Visual Shop Floor is designed for the use in medium-sized and large industrial companies. In addition to the wide range of functions for Shop Floor Management, this requires a number of technical functions that enable flawless use as well as smooth integration into your company's system landscape. Whether process monitoring for one department or establishing global standards across multiple sites: Visual Shop Floor adapts to your needs and enables you to exploit the full potential of your company.

User Management

Manage users easily and flexibly via the integrated user management in Visual Shop Floor.


Control access to content and use of features for specific users and user groups – the way that suits your business.


With support for multiple languages and the ability to add any language easily and with minimal effort, Visual Shop Floor speaks the language of your employees, eliminating potential barriers.

Active Directory and Single Sign-On

Integrate Visual Shop Floor with your authentication infrastructure to reduce administrative overhead. Single Sign-On via OAuth 2.0 provides your employees with an optimal user experience.


Use Visual Shop Floor across sites throughout the entire group – establish global standards and keep the overall view.


With support for container technology and enterprise platforms, Visual Shop Floor is highly scalable and can therefore be flexibly adapted to your specific requirements – start small and grow step by step.

System monitoring

Integrate Visual Shop Floor into your company's service monitoring and thus ensure smooth operation. Via a service API, any faults are quickly detected, localized and eliminated at an early stage.


Store the definition of symbols (icons), color mappings and translations for master data centrally at system level and reference them consistently in the user interface. This reduces the administrative effort to a minimum and your employees benefit from an end-to-end and consistent user experience.

Data exports

All data stored in Visual Shop Floor can be accessed and used via an export API. This provides the prerequisite for seamlessly integrating your Shop Floor Management into your system landscape and automating it to the maximum.

Multi device

As a web-based application following the Responsive Web Design approach, Visual Shop Floor can be used on various end devices without any additional administration effort: whether smartphone, PC or Shop Floor Board: with Visual Shop Floor, your employees are very close to what is happening in your production and logistics environment – always and everywhere.
Leading companies rely on Visual Shop Floor

Experience Visual Shop Floor live and see for yourself the wide range of possibilities.


