Task management

Efficient task management for successful Shop Floor Management

Clear structuring and prioritization of measures

Efficient collaboration at all levels of the Shop Floor Cascade

Transparency and comprehensive overview for timely implementation

Implementing measures successfully: The key to increasing productivity

In Shop Floor Management, it is crucial to promptly identify disruptions and deviations and respond to them with appropriate measures. This ensures smooth operation of production and logistics processes as well as optimal resource utilization. In a dynamic production environment, numerous measures arise that must be implemented promptly and effectively.

For employees, this poses a significant challenge and requires considerable efforts in terms of coordination and alignment. Lack of transparency in implementing measures, unclear responsibilities, and inefficient communication between departments lead to delays, missing information, and frustration among employees. A clearly structured and user-friendly task management is therefore crucial to meet the requirements of modern production and logistics processes.

Visual Shop Floor provides task management precisely tailored to the needs of Shop Floor Management. Measures are not viewed in isolation but form a central link between the levels of the Shop Floor Cascade as well as production- and logistics-related functions such as maintenance and planning.

A seamless and targeted implementation of measures is facilitated by systematically capturing them, clearly defining responsibilities and transparently displaying the implementation progress for the entire team. This reduces coordination efforts and the systematic implementation of measures has been shown to positively impact the efficiency of production and logistics processes.

In Shop Floor Management, it is crucial to promptly identify disruptions and deviations and respond to them with appropriate measures. This ensures smooth operation of production and logistics processes as well as optimal resource utilization. In a dynamic production environment, numerous measures arise that must be implemented promptly and effectively.
For employees, this poses a significant challenge and requires considerable efforts in terms of coordination and alignment. Lack of transparency in implementing measures, unclear responsibilities, and inefficient communication between departments lead to delays, missing information, and frustration among employees. A clearly structured and user-friendly task management is therefore crucial to meet the requirements of modern production and logistics processes.

Visual Shop Floor provides task management precisely tailored to the needs of Shop Floor Management. Measures are not viewed in isolation but form a central link between the levels of the Shop Floor Cascade as well as production- and logistics-related functions such as maintenance and planning.

A seamless and targeted implementation of measures is facilitated by systematically capturing them, clearly defining responsibilities and transparently displaying the implementation progress for the entire team. This reduces coordination efforts and the systematic implementation of measures has been shown to positively impact the efficiency of production and logistics processes.

Collaborate successfully to achieve more

The flexible task management provided by Visual Shop Floor forms the perfect foundation for coordinated and structured collaboration within the Shop Floor Cascade and between different departments. It ensures efficient and effective implementation of measures and facilitates teamwork.

Structured organization of measures

A precise and structured description of the measure lays the foundation for efficient and targeted implementation. Responsibility, next steps, and implementation progress are clearly outlined, enabling an efficient and effective workflow.
Not all measures are the same
A structured description of a measure is the foundation for its efficient implementation. By defining precise types of measures, specific requirements are perfectly reflected. Whether tasks related to safety, quality, or costs: customize the structure of each measure to support your employees optimally in detailed capture and efficient implementation of measures.
Transparency and insights
Thanks to the clearly defined status of a measure, you always maintain an overview. This enables more precise planning of implementation and ensures a transparent representation of implementation progress.
Clear responsibility for reliable implementation
Assign measures to an individual or a group of individuals. Defining the responsibility ensures that measures are tracked and reliably implemented.
Implement measures according to priority
Define the priority of a measure, ensuring that employees primarily focus on the right topics.

Don't miss any deadlines

Set deadlines for each measure to ensure timely implementation.
Knowing what needs to be done
With a clear and structured description, you determine what it's about and what goal should be achieved. By providing a concise title and detailed description, you support your employees in effectively implementing the measure.
The right documents always at your fingertips
By providing the option to upload documents and images for the measure, all involved people have access to relevant materials at any time. In particular, photos can be captured directly on mobile devices and utilized for documenting and implementing the measure.
Describe individual steps and don't forget anything
With the convenient checklist function, individual steps for implementing a measure can be described and the implementation progress can be tracked. Following the motto “slice the elephant” allows a clear documentation of each step and arranging them in the correct order.
Team collaboration for better results
Whether you're working on a measure alone or as a team, ongoing information capture simplifies documenting issues, questions, and insights for later analysis. This facilitates teamwork, reduces communication efforts and promotes targeted implementation of measures.
Considering a measure in context
Measures are captured in various contexts such as Shop Floor Meetings, process audits, or PDCA processes. By linking them with the creation context, additional information can be accessed as needed to work on the implementation of the measure more effectively.

Centralized task management as the hub of collaboration

As the central link between various functions in Visual Shop Floor, measures are created in diverse contexts. Whether during a Shop Floor Meeting, a process audit, upon noticing unusual KPIs on a dashboard, as a result of an unplanned event or during a conversation with a colleague – numerous occasions can lead to the initiation of a measure. The central collection and intuitive visual representation of measures provide the optimal foundation for targeted implementation.
As the central link between various functions in Visual Shop Floor, measures are created in diverse contexts.
Whether during a Shop Floor Meeting, a process audit, upon noticing unusual KPIs on a dashboard, as a result of an unplanned event or during a conversation with a colleague – numerous occasions can lead to the initiation of a measure. The central collection and intuitive visual representation of measures provide the optimal foundation for targeted implementation.

Manage measures systematically and set the right focus to achieve goals

Structured workflows are essential for smooth collaboration at all levels of the Shop Floor Cascade. The use of Kanban Boards, integrated escalation mechanisms and automated notifications not only facilitates the management but also the implementation of measures.

Kanban Board for a smooth workflow

Keep track of all measures effortlessly with the clearly structured Kanban Board view. Easily move tasks using drag-and-drop and focus on your tasks with the integrated filter and sorting functions.
Keep track of all measures effortlessly with the clearly structured Kanban Board view.
Easily move tasks using drag-and-drop and focus on your tasks with the integrated filter and sorting functions.

Keep tabs on measures

Keep your measures in focus and seamlessly integrate task management into your daily workflow to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Utilize specific filters to visualize measures based on various criteria – whether it's by topic, organizational unit, priority or deadline. Your customized view perfectly reflects your needs and ensures nothing escapes your attention.
Keep your measures in focus and seamlessly integrate task management into your daily workflow to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.
Utilize specific filters to visualize measures based on various criteria – whether it's by topic, organizational unit, priority or deadline. Your customized view perfectly reflects your needs and ensures nothing escapes your attention.

Email notification

You've been assigned a measure or a change has been made to a measure you're involved in? No problem: You'll receive an email notification promptly, allowing you to take immediate action. This ensures transparency and increases efficiency.
You've been assigned a measure or a change has been made to a measure you're involved in? No problem:
You'll receive an email notification promptly, allowing you to take immediate action. This ensures transparency and increases efficiency.

Escalate measures along the Shop Floor Cascade

To ensure smooth collaboration at all levels, measures can be escalated along the Shop Floor Cascade. If problems cannot be resolved on-site, they are forwarded to decision-makers, while colleagues on-site keep an eye on the progress of implementation.
To ensure smooth collaboration at all levels, measures can be escalated along the Shop Floor Cascade.
If problems cannot be resolved on-site, they are forwarded to decision-makers, while colleagues on-site keep an eye on the progress of implementation.

Explore additional functions of Visual Shop Floor!

Role-specific Dashboards

Visualize relevant information simply and intuitively – in real time

Digital Hall Mirror

Process monitoring in real time – always keep the overview

Event Handling

Respond to events as they occur in a structured and systematic way

Layered Process Audits (LPA)

Process audits for proactive error prevention and quality assurance

Experience Visual Shop Floor live and see for yourself the wide range of possibilities.


