Increase your Operational Excellence
with Visual Shop Floor

Make the right decisions faster. Collaborate more efficiently as a team. Optimize production and logistics processes sustainably. Visual Shop Floor offers you all this in a fully integrated software platform that adapts flexibly to your processes. Everything from a single source.


Maximum flexibility and customizable – self-configurable through low-code


Developed in cooperation with industry partners – maximum user-friendliness

Enterprise ready

Designed for use in medium-sized and large enterprises – across locations

to gain valuable information

Utilize the existing data sources within your company to unlock the full potential of your data. Systematic data preparation creates a solid foundation for monitoring and optimizing your production and logistics processes.
These features are offered by Visual Shop Floor

DETECT deviations and
malfunctions at an early stage

Get a simple and intuitive overview of your process flows and production resources. With the help of meaningful key figures, individual dashboards and a digital hall mirror, you can identify potential sources of error at an early stage and initiate countermeasures in good time.
These features are offered by Visual Shop Floor

ACT promptly and in an organized manner

Support your employees in the structured and targeted implementation of measures. Keep track of the implementation progress and check the effectiveness of actions. Improve collaboration and communication between your employees to quickly achieve more.
These features are offered by Visual Shop Floor

OPTIMIZE processes systematically and sustainably

Eliminate potential sources of error and optimize your production and logistics processes sustainably. Systematic root cause analyses, valid remedial actions and effectiveness checks ensure that improvements are implemented sustainably and anchored in your company processes.
These features are offered by Visual Shop Floor

Layered Process Audits (LPA)

Improve the quality and efficiency of your processes and reduce the risk of errors or quality problems

Developed for your company

Visual Shop Floor adapts flexibly to your needs and integrates perfectly into the existing system landscape and your organizational structure. As a fully integrated platform for increasing Operational Excellence, Visual Shop Floor is the ideal link for smooth collaboration between departments and within the team.

The greatest added value for you as …

Production and Logistics Manager

Visual Shop Floor actively supports you in identifying disruptions and deviations in the processes and thus in recognizing the need for action at an early stage. Through the targeted initiation of measures, regular operations are restored promptly, resource utilization is increased, and adherence to schedules is maintained.

Simple and intuitive monitoring of processes and resources in real time.

Detect and eliminate disruptions and deviations at an early stage.

Initiate specific measures, implement them in a structured manner and maintain an overview.

Optimize resource utilization and maintain adherence to schedules.

Operational Excellence Manager

Visual Shop Floor is the ideal platform for designing the CIP process in a contemporary way and establishing a positive improvement culture together with your employees. With continuously updated key figures, combined with task management and established methods from LEAN management, you create the ideal basis for a flexible way of working and for the motivation of your employees as a central driver for process optimization.

Contemporary coordination and organization of the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP). Agile way of working through a flexible, adaptable software platform.

Identification of improvement potential through process monitoring in real time – simple and intuitive overview of the entire value chain.

Simple and efficient use of established LEAN methods through software support. Standardization and automation of the CIP process.

Prioritization of the right measures through a resilient basis for decision-making according to the Pareto Principle. Achievement of project goals through efficient Controlling.

Effectiveness checks through measurable results based on specific KPIs, target/actual-comparisons and dashboards.

Short-term cost reduction and high ROI through the use of "Low Hanging Fruits".

Lean Manager

Visual Shop Floor offers a wide range of possibilities to improve efficiency, productivity and quality in production and logistics. Through the systematic, software-based application of established methods, your company's LEAN initiatives are strengthened and operational efficiency is increased, giving your company a sustainable competitive advantage.

Process monitoring and analysis through real-time metrics and dashboards.

Avoiding waste by identifying deviations and trends.

Improvement of process flows and avoidance of errors as a basis for achieving quality targets.

Lean and efficient processes through identification of bottlenecks and optimization potentials – elimination of inefficient processes.

Cost savings through optimized resource utilization and improvement of throughput times.

Active participation and motivation of employees by contributing ideas and proposed solutions

IT Manager

Visual Shop Floor enables you to use the full potential of data to optimize production and logistics processes. Existing data sources and systems are connected via flexible connectors and the data is easily linked and prepared. This creates the basis for flexible mapping of company-specific processes.

Easy integration of existing data sources through numerous standard connectors using the no-code or low-code approach.

Flexible preparation and linking of data – calculation of specific key figures.

Guaranteed security and data sovereignty through installation in your company (On-Premises).

Flexible use on different end devices through web-based user interface: from Shop Floor Board to PC and laptop to mobile end devices (Responsive web design).

High cost savings and agile operation through flexible and autonomous adaptation and extension (Low-code approach).

A solid foundation as the basis for your success

Visual Shop Floor is designed for the use in medium-sized and large industrial companies. In addition to the wide range of functions for Shop Floor Management, this requires a number of technical functions that enable flawless use as well as smooth integration into your company's system landscape. Whether process monitoring for one department or establishing global standards across multiple sites: Visual Shop Floor adapts to your needs and enables you to exploit the full potential of your company.

User Management

Manage users easily and flexibly via the integrated user management in Visual Shop Floor.

Control access to content and use of features for specific users and user groups – the way that suits your business.

With support for multiple languages and the ability to add any language easily and with minimal effort, Visual Shop Floor speaks the language of your employees, eliminating potential barriers.


Use Visual Shop Floor across sites throughout the entire group – establish global standards and keep the overall view.


With support for container technology and enterprise platforms, Visual Shop Floor is highly scalable and can therefore be flexibly adapted to your specific requirements – start small and grow step by step.

System monitoring

Integrate Sie Visual Shop Floor into your company's service monitoring and thus ensure smooth operation. Via a service API, any faults are quickly detected, localized and eliminated at an early stage.

Data exports

All data stored in Visual Shop Floor can be accessed and used via an export API. This provides the prerequisite for seamlessly integrating your Shop Floor Management into your system landscape and automating it to the maximum.


Store the definition of symbols (icons), color mappings and translations for master data centrally at system level and reference them consistently in the user interface. This reduces the administrative effort to a minimum and your employees benefit from an end-to-end and consistent user experience.
Multi device

As a web-based application following the Responsive Web Design approach, Visual Shop Floor can be used on various end devices without any additional administration effort: whether smartphone, PC or Shop Floor Board: with Visual Shop Floor, your employees are very close to what is happening in your production and logistics environment – always and everywhere.

Active Directory and Single Sign-On

Integrate Visual Shop Floor with your authentication infrastructure to reduce administrative overhead. Single Sign-On via OAuth 2.0 provides your employees with an optimal user experience.

Leading companies rely on
Visual Shop Floor

Leading companies rely on
Visual Shop Floor

Experience Visual Shop Floor live and see for yourself the wide range of possibilities.


