Custom design of Shop Floor Boards with rotating screens

In Shop Floor Management, the efficient distribution of information is of decisive importance. Especially in medium and large industrial companies, where employees from different areas or departments each require specific information for monitoring and controlling processes, relevant content must be communicated precisely and promptly.

Rotating screens in Visual Shop Floor offer an ideal solution for this. When Shop Floor Boards are not used interactively by employees, a rotating screen is activated after a definable time interval, allowing the screens to be used as a valuable passive source of information, by displaying information in a format similar to a presentation.

With the latest update of Visual Shop Floor, it is now possible to link the content of the rotating screen with a parameter, thereby addressing specific local requirements on the Shop Floor Boards. For example, this allows key figures and information to be tailored specifically to a department.
Rotating screen with department-specific information

What are rotating screens?

Rotating screens provide a simple way to continuously present current and relevant information to employees in a time-controlled and highly visible manner on an Info Board, when it is not being used interactively. This way, the Info Board becomes a passive source of information, continuously providing real-time data and information to keep employees informed.

Whether it is production and logistics key figures such as capacity utilization, machine statuses, production progress or inventory levels, or general information in the form of shift schedules, safety guidelines or work instructions – the content is automatically displayed at specified time intervals, ensuring a continuous flow of information.

What has changed with the parameterization of rotating screens?

With the latest update of Visual Shop Floor, the management of rotating screens – and thus the Info Boards – has become significantly simpler. From now on, the content of rotating screens can be centrally defined once and controlled by assigning a parameter. This greatly reduces the effort required to maintain the Info Boards, as displays no longer need to be defined multiple times. A single display is enough to dynamically and precisely present information to, for example, a specific department using parameters – and make it available exactly where the information is needed at that moment.

This allows information to be tailored even more precisely to the employees' needs and the content of the Info Boards can be adjusted faster and easier through parameterized control. This also increases transparency and accuracy in information distribution. It saves time, reduces complexity and improves communication throughout the company.

How does it work?

Setting up rotating screens with parameters is quick and easy. First, the function is activated for the respective Info Board and the desired rotating screen is selected. Then, parameters are defined to determine which content will be shown on each Info Board. For example, a department, production line or picking area can be specified. That’s it! From now on, the Info Board automatically displays content tailored to the parameters, ensuring that all areas receive the precise information they need – without any additional effort.


Minimal administrative effort through centralized and unified management of rotating screens


Precise central control of content per Info Board using parameters


Reduced complexity and easy, streamlined management


Improved communication and transparency: Optimal support for employees with continuously up-to-date and accurate information

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